Top 3 PowerStretch™ Eating Tips For Healthier Living
Living a healthy PowerStretch™ lifestyle with healthy PowerStretch™ body toning workouts are not enough. You must watch what you intake into your body system and have the appropriate amount of rest.
There are hundreds of health and eating tips but let Derrick Ee share with you 3 very important basic PowerStretch™ health tips.
PowerStretch™ Tip 1 : Eat Less Saturated Fat and Sugar
Our diet naturally requires some fat. But it’s important to pay attention to the amount and type of fat we’re consuming. There are 2 main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated.
Excessive saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases your risk of developing heart disease. Saturated fat is found in many foods, such as hard cheese, sausages, cakes, biscuits, cream, lard, lard and pies.
Unsaturated fats, whether mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated, are good for you.
Exercise will power to cut down, and choose foods that contain unsaturated rather than saturated fats, such as oily fish, vegetable oils, and avocados. For a even healthier choice, use a just a small amount of vegetable oil or reduced fat spread instead of butter, lard or ghee. When you’re having meat, choose lean cuts and cut off any visible fat.
PowerStretch™ Tip 2 : Cut Down on Salt
Even if you don’t have the habit of adding salt to your food, chances are you may still be eating too much salt. Approximately 75% of the salt we consume is already in the food we buy, such as breakfast cereals, breads, soups and sauces, or when we eat out in restaurants.
Eating excessive amount of salt can raise your blood pressure, and can cause your faces to bloat for certain people. The addiction to salt is damaging our health. Salt raises our blood pressure, which leads to strokes and heart attacks, and this is in turn linked to stomach cancer, kidney disease, and osteoporosis.
You can make use of food labels to help you manage your salt intake. As a rough guide, more than 1.5g of salt per 100g indicates the food is high in salt. Don’t spent hours in exercising and stretching your muscles with PowerStretch™ Body Toning Workout without a proper salt management diet.
PowerStretch™ Tip 3 : Avoid Getting Thirsty!
The old belief is that we need to drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water per day to keep hydrated but scientists seem to hold different beliefs today. Whatever that may be – as a general rule,
PowerStretch™ Master Trainer Derrick Ee believes that you should drink when you feel thirsty. And when you start having a headache, feel weak, dry mouth, etc then you know you aren’t drinking enough.
In addition, there is a theory that we need to drink about 1.2 litres of fluid every day to prevent being dehydrated. This is in addition to the fluids from the food we consume. All non-alcoholic drinks count towards 1.2 litres, but water, fruit juices and milk are the most healthy.
Stretch your willpower to avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks that are high in artificial sugars and which are high in calories and bad for teeth. When the weather is warm (especially in tropic countries like Singapore), or when we get active, we may need more fluids to hydrate our bodies.
Remember, complement your PowerStretch™ workout with a PowerStretch™ healthy diet and rest.
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